Fostering active engagement in today’s complex digital landscape
With the rapid advancement of technology and the proliferation of numerous digital platforms, organizations face a complicated and highly interconnected communications environment. Effective strategic communications provide a roadmap for navigating this landscape while creating meaningful connections that extend past the limitations of touchscreens.
Mastering strategic communications in theory and practice
LTS’ award-winning communications professionals have decades of experience at providing best-in-class outreach services to federal and private organizations. We stay attuned to industry trends and combine our knowledge of new digital channels and platforms with our honed understanding of social and behavioral science to provide your company with expert storytelling capabilities and the following suite of communication products and services:
- Campaign planning and strategy
- Omnichannel content development
- Media training, speechwriting, and executive communications
- Public relations, direct outreach, and events
- Partnership and coalition building
- Traditional, digital, and social marketing
Our clients
We have applied our standardized approach and guiding principles to support the needs of several clients across various federal agencies, including:
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). LTS established a new division for VA’s Office of Information and manages all internal and external communications for the new program.
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS). We lead communication strategies and change management efforts in support of large-scale initiatives from DHS’ headquarters.